Crown House


Be First and Lightquote Ltd

Our Role

Architect & Lead Designer


Apartments, Ground Floor Commercial Space, Exhibition Space & Community Facilities



Crown House is proposed design for two buildings on two sites, the site known as the Market Traders Car Park and the site of the existing Crown House building which will be redeveloped under one planning application for the two separate clients.

The existing Crown House is an outdated office building of low architectural merit considered detrimental to the perceived built quality of Barking Town Centre. It is proposed in the new scheme to demolish this and replace it with a new tall building, to deliver approximately 228 new residential apartments. A second building on the Market Traders Car Park site will deliver a further 172 residential apartments.

The Grade II listed Tabernacle Church, which sits between the two site boundaries provides the opportunity for our design to enhance the quality and character of the setting for this building and the wider context of Barking Town Centre.