Wakefield Westgate


Buckingham Group Contracting Limited

Our Role



5 Retail units, Offices, Entrance Concourse, First Class Lounge, Customer Information Point & Travel / Information Centre



Shortlisted RICS 2015 Awards, Pro Yorksire, Best Infrastracture

Wakefield station is the centrepiece of the Wakefield Key Development Area master plan designed by CJCT and a unique opportunity to create a fitting transport gateway to the City.

The new station facility provides a modern gateway to the city and an integrated transport facility as a community improvement. New links between the railway, civic institutions and the town centre are provided. The number of car parking spaces increased from 400 to 1450 using the adjacent new station MSCP facility. This is a local as well as regional upgrade which has attracted commuters to use Wakefield instead of other more heavily used centres such as Leeds and York.

A seamless change between the existing and new ensured there was no interruption to the train services. A remarkable 10 month build period minimised any local disruption. Residents influenced the design, choosing the external sculptures and having their say in the station design through public consultations.

The new station recognises Wakefield’s location at the centre of the Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle. A City gateway for visitors to the Barbara Hepworth Museum, Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Henry Moore institute arriving from London and beyond.

As the scheme was Third Party funded collaboration between each of the disparate parties was critical. Collaborative behaviours were a focus of the original tender with the approach being continued through design, construction, commissioning and handover.

The resultant “Gateway” mainline Station at Wakefield Westgate is believed to be Network Rail’s first to achieve a BREEAM Excellent Rating. It is the first new build station facility on the Leeds London Line for 30 years.