Planning Permission Gained for Water Lane

Our Water Lane BtR scheme with McLaren Living obtained planning permission at LCC Plans Panel last week with a unanimous show of hands.

The project takes a difficult brownfield site hemmed in between a live rail line, a historic disused viaduct and a locally listed building and creates a vibrant 375 home BtR development. The site will be opened up to provide views in from Water Lane which frame the locally listed Midland Mills building; active frontages will face out towards the street bringing life and activity to this stretch of road. As part of the project the environment along Water Lane will be enhanced and refocused on the pedestrian experience with measures to calm traffic.

The project provides good mix of residential amenity spaces including gyms, terraces & communal dining all of which will be set amongst significant landscaped areas featuring a variety of incidental play areas. The project is progressive in providing significant number of three bed affordable apartments and offering a 74% improvement over Part L.

Once complete it will sit at the centre of the rapidly evolving South Bank residential area.

Everyone at CJCT is looking forward to progressing with the next stage and getting on to site!