B3 Thorpe Park Progress

Plot B3 and the adjacent MSCP1 are speeding towards completion at Thorpe Park with GMI Construction Group PLC doing a fantastic job pulling together this large, complex site within a tight programme.

Designed to conceal a significant amount of parking the podium is now fully formed and when landscaped will form the heart of the latest phase of Scarborough Group International’s office campus at Thorpe Park. Plot B3, featuring 133,118 sqft of fully pre-let space, will form the northern edge of this important landscaped space and represents a departure from a typical forecourt parking style out of town office. The office has been designed collaboratively with the future tenant to create a sustainable, Grade A environment and when complete will be a WELL Gold certified building.

Multi-storey car park 1 will provide support for the future office plots at Thorpe Park Leeds, allowing yet more space to be given over to public realm and high quality landscape throughout the emerging masterplan.

At Carey Jones Chapman Tolcher we are excited to see both projects progress to completion before the end of the year and to the future phases of our longstanding commitment to the masterplan.